Tag Archives: COVID19

Let’s not take life for granted. We have only one

Why put off things for another day, which might never dawn?

The day my friend saved my sanity

As the laughter bubbled out of me, I felt the tension dropping away and my spirits magically lifting.

Freedom to choose – Integrated medicine for better health

Traditional and alternative medicine have great potential to deal with not just a pandemic, but also to control and cure many chronic diseases when integrated with conventional medicine.

Sneeze: The cleanser of respiratory organs

Sneezing helps to get rid of the accumulated toxins from the upper respiratory track with the help of the bhūta Āpah and the indriya śabdam.

The ordeal of my garbage run

The L&M worries that some Corona virus might stick to my hair when I go out and since I can’t afford to wash my hair every day, I have to plan the garbage run meticulously to coincide with my hair-wash day. And that entails more planning.

Our elders had the best Corona-compliant routines!

Social distancing, washing one’s hands and feet after coming from outside, washing one’s hands every time one came into the kitchen to do something or take anything, quarantine – they did it all. Believe me, they would have set the best examples for Corona-compliance!