Tag Archives: mothers-in-law

Opening that window and breaking free!

The churning of the defining decades of the 60s and 70s produced not just the economic classes but also created distinct groups of women in the middle and upper ends of the social spectrum. These groups were formed as a result of the lessons that the events and experiences threw up, from which they learnt, learnt wrongly or didn’t learn at all.

Feminism and the Gen X woman

The issues confronting women were and still are infinitely more serious and life-changing than making choices about the size one wants to be, go pubbing or have sex outside marriage.

Shooting down stereotypes

Old stereotypes as far as men are concerned still exist to a large extent and have not completely given way to the new, caring men. But they know in their hearts that the change in the society is irreversible and the more gracefully they accept it, and the sooner they accept it, the better it would be for both sexes.