Category Children

How chacha chaudhary made a reluctant reader love books

What an experienced librarian, a frantic mother and dozens of children reading books in our living room couldn’t do, was accomplished by a little girl, who turned the boy into a reader with her comics!

Why It Is Important To Grow Up With Stories

Create some magic moments for your child. Tell them stories!

English or Mother language? What should be the medium of education?

Studies have proved that children who have little or no exposure to English can understand basic concepts better in their own mother tongue.

In a moment of panic…enroute to Sinhagad Fort – 2

Even Chacha Choudhary would have begged for some brains from the Cybernag at that moment as she weighed the various options before her and made her mind up.

In a moment of panic…enroute to Sinhagad Fort – 1

We all have moments of panic and each one reacts in a different way. I normally have a steady head on my shoulders but that day I lost it.

The best mantra for old age – be independent, be happy!

Elders need to develop and sustain some hobby or activity even while younger, to keep them occupied physically, mentally and spiritually as they age. In the absence of any such activity, they usually begin to look to their children and grandchildren for emotional sustenance, making them the sole focus of their attention.

Of mice, boy and a pair of flip-flops

The boy had learnt his lesson in compassion from two mice – one a big field rat in a trap and one a tiny dead mouse.

Where Are The Fun Games We Played?

If one were to go to any upmarket locality in a metro with its high-rises, one can’t hear the full-throated cries and laughter of children as they played random games. It makes me wonder, what has happened to all the games that children played with gay abandon and loads of fun – as recently as […]

My father, the wonderful storyteller

Father was a man of many parts, but as a storyteller, he was nonpareil.

Are coaching classes choking our children?

Children are being pressured into joining coaching classes in the hope of getting into one of the prestigious engineering colleges – preferably IIT!

When the cat is away

The house was spick and span – the beds all made up, the table free of clutter, the kitchen sparkling… The house had never been this clean even when I was around. I was pretty impressed. It all seemed too good to be true.

The boy who loved wheels

It is not often that a childhood passion turns into a career option. For the younger one, it has been wheels and roads and Scout My Trip is a logical progression #aageseright!

Holiday Homework Blues

When did summer holidays cease to be joy for kids and turn into a pain for both the children and the parents?