Tag Archives: L&M and the Brats

Being independent is not easy! 

Independence is never absolute. It is mostly relative and subjective, and is often conditional.

You call us quirky? No way!

Do we inherit quirks and eccentricities from our parents? This one is for the genealogists.

The Brat’s tribute to the L&M

Here is to the hero of our times, the man who effortlessly navigated through the confusing and confounding times when everything around us was changing. And not just that, he managed to keep us grounded too, giving us an identity when many were going through an identity crisis.

‘Full Family’

The happiest was the younger brat, for not only had his elder brother got admission to his chosen college, but we were also a ‘full family’ after having been separated for the whole day!

Thank you!

A note of thanks to my friends and readers on the eve of the third blogaversary of the Cybernag.

When the ‘handyman’ came to my help

The L&M saw how hassled I was and decided to pitch in with other things without being told — like cleaning the house. I made the tactical blunder of telling him not ask me where to put what and use his discretion while doing it.

Ad(verse) Images

I was nothing like the superwoman of the ads. I usually came home as if the cat had disgustedly dragged me in, before flopping like an imperfect jelly on the bed. If the family was lucky, they would get the previous week’s left-overs. By bedtime I would be sufficiently rejuvenated to scream and yell at the children to change into their bedclothes and brush their teeth, or else…

One sleepy post

If I lose an hour’s sleep, I need to sleep an extra three hours to make up the deficit. So if I stay awake say, till midnight one day, I need an extra nine hours’ sleep to make it up. Others need their work-outs, gym and yoga or tonics to keep fit; I need my snoooooooooze.

Who needs any other sport?

And then the gem: “Do they hate each other?” We were nonplussed. “Then why is the umpire always saying, ‘Love all?’”

My first year of nagging!

Nagging being in my blood, I wanted to capitalize on it. What better way to to do it than to call my blog after it? So The Cyber Nag was born!

Forgetfully yours

The ASM (Automatic Searching Machine) that he has become, all the L&M has to do is hear the first words of my whine, ‘I can’t find…’ before he jumps up like a wound up toy and begins looking for it without even knowing what he is searching for.

Winging home

He still made unannounced nocturnal entries but I began recognising his friends’ clothes soon. In fact, when he came back in his own clothes one time, I actually enquired as to whether he had quarrelled with his friends. And that bag of laundry!