Tag Archives: gender bias

Keep that spark alive, girls!

When there is a spark inside you, it will burst forth into a flame one day, no matter your social standing or circumstances. The idea is to light that spark, stoke it and not let it get extinguished.

A society in flux and the emerging womanpower

There was a time when issues concerning women were near similar for all classes of women across the social spectrum. It was only later that class demarcations began tearing the social fabric asunder and the concerns began diverging too, so much so that the classes could have been populating different planets.

Feminism and the Gen X woman

The issues confronting women were and still are infinitely more serious and life-changing than making choices about the size one wants to be, go pubbing or have sex outside marriage.

Are the ‘power’ful women listening?

The headline jumped at me from the newspapers in the morning — India is second only to Afghanistan in gender bias and consequently crimes against women in South Asia. Though it makes me mad, I am not going to write about gender inequality. There are more qualified feminist and other blogs that would do a great job of it. I am in no mood for the routine male bashing, in-laws bashing, marriage bashing, tradition and culture bashing, religion bashing, Khap…all touted as being the causes for the state that women in our country are in. I am mad at an entirely different thing. Read the post and tell me if my anger is justified or not.