When a journey leads to a sacred space

When I wrote the post Coming full circle, I had not dreamt that one day it would be featured in one of the spaces I consider sacred and deeply spiritual. It was but an ordinary person’s journey of faith over a lifetime with some realisations at the end, which I had shared with my readers.

So when Beloo asked me if she could re-blog it in Matriwords, where she and her husband Suhas Mehra share their research commentaries inspired by the social-culturalpolitical thought of Sri Aurobindo, I was speechless to say the least. She explained that it fit in with the research focus of the blog because she saw it as a ‘journey in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s psycho-social evolutionary march of individuals and societies – from symbolic to typal to conventional to individualistic to subjective stages’. I was deeply humbled by her words.

It was over a year ago that I discovered Beloo’s blog Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal, with its spiritually uplifting posts embellished with the thoughts of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. For someone who was trying to take tentative steps in spirituality, it was a wonderful place to learn because Beloo has a way of simplifying the sublime thoughts of Sri Aurobindo so that even a dummy like me can easily understand them.

Beloo has several years of experience teaching in schools and colleges in India and the US.  She has authored two books, ABC’s of Indian National Education  and The Thinking Indian and currently lives in Pondicherry where,  in her own words she ‘spends her time doing some reading, some writing, some teaching, some gardening and a whole lot of reflecting on life, living, society, politics, religion, art, literature, India, the World, and everything else under the Sun and the Moon.’

Thank you Beloo, for the honour of being featured on Matriwords and for being a spiritual guide and mentor.

Do head over to Matriwords to read the post….

Homepage image courtesy: podsweb.com


  1. I am happy that your post(s) would be read by a wider circle of readers thanks to Ms Beloo Mehra.
    As I was reading your piece again,I was struck by the sincerity and frankness in narrating the experience in your spiritual journey thus far.The telling felicity and the charm in your writing is like a magnet drawing readers to your blog.Congratulations in being featured in Matriwords.


    1. Thank you KP. Your words encourage me always. Unless there is honesty in what we write, the words fail to strike a chord, isn’t it? Such personal journeys especially need to be sincere and honest. It means a lot to me to be featured at Matriwords, which for me is a sacred space.


  2. Congratulations on being recognized by Matrwords!

    I went back and read your post. Very heartfelt and personal. I think it parallels the journey of many – total faith in childhood, questioning to various degrees in youth and turning back in the middle years.


    1. You are so right, Pkayen! Of all the praise and recognition I have got for my writing, this ranks right at the top. And yes, we need to recognise the various stages of spiritual development and should not cease seeking, assimilating, rejecting but seeking, always.


  3. shanayatales · · Reply

    I did read the post on Beloo’s blog, and I loved it. Eagerly await the next part. 🙂


    1. Beloo is a wiz in using her extensive knowledge of Sri Aurobindo’s works and can turn anything into a sublime post 🙂 Thanks for reading and liking, Shantala.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wishing you many more laurels in 2016


    1. Thank you, Rahul. May your wishes come true 🙂


  5. We are all learners and seekers and fellow-travellers on this path, my dear friend! So in a way we are all learning from one another. I thank you for sharing your journey with such sincerity and honesty. It is your heartfelt words and expression that come from a deeper inner place that help me and many other readers of yours ‘feel’ their inner truth.

    Matriwords has been enriched by your presence and words. Thank you!


    1. It is your generosity, Beloo to say that. Yes, we learn from each other, sometimes one learns more from another, that’s all 🙂 Seeking should never stop as long as we live. Today, we should reaffirm Swami Vivekananda’s call to arise, awake. Did you know that it is taken from Kathopanishad and since he used it so extensively in his talks it has got attributed to him? Discovered it just today and that has led me to look for katha upanishad 😀 Now that’s seeking isn’t it? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No, I didn’t know that, so yes we learn all the time 🙂 Thank you!


  6. Many congratulations Aunty!!
    You write from the heart, that’s what touches a chord. Even spiritual ☺. May your blog go places.


    1. Thanks a lot dear. It is a great honour for me to be featured at Matriwords 🙂


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