The Blog Bully — Are you a victim?

Have you heard of the Blog Bully? I am sure you have heard of the plagiarists and spammers, of whom there are many. But there being only ONE Blog Bully (BB), you might not have heard of it. But it is often discussed in hushed whispers among bloggers. And if you still have no clue as to the identity of the BB, chances are you have not been struck– yet. But don’t be complacent about it because this one strikes at will and at random — either through Indivine or through comments and, of late, even FB. If the BB likes any of them, the blogger had it!

So, which type of blogs does the BB strikes at? There is no particular pattern. It could be the content, it could be the style, or it could be just the fact that the blogger had touched the BB in some way to make her want to connect with them. There are many popular bloggers who collect followers by the hundreds and hits by the thousands, but the BB is content collecting friends – one at a time. The moment such a blogger is found, the BB smells blood! ‘Friend material!’ screams her brain, and she goes straight for the jugular and the poor guy/gal has no clue as to what hit them!

Now these bloggers might have been happily blogging for years without a care in the world. But suddenly their days of joy are over because they have been singled out by the BB. Are you wondering why that should make them quake in their boots? It is the modus operandi that makes it such a harrowing experience.

What would a normal reader of a blog do? They would read the post, and depending upon whether or not they liked the post, leave a comment or ‘like’ it or share it and then maybe subscribe through the Reader and leave. But the BB is not a normal reader. She is a technology-challenged person who has survived blogging solely on the strength of her ‘blog manager’ son’s help. BB has two bugbears: Comments and Subscriptions. She wants these customized to suit her needs and the victims would all testify to it that they are forced to comply. Because you see, BB is not just a bully but a nag to boot!

If a particular blog has Word Verification, especially a complicated one, it would keep rejecting her submissions. And if  she manages to crack it, she would hastily edit the comment to add a request to please do away with the WV, for it made it difficult for her to comment. Bullies do have a great sense of importance, don’t they?

Arti was the first victim of the BB on this count. And the poor girl hastily removed the word verification and told BB that she had and made place in BB’s heart. Over the months there were others who obliged the BB so that she could leave her comment.

Corinne has this commenting software  that is as gentle as her and apologetically asks you to tick the box testifying that you are not a robot. But if you miss it,  it will stubbornly refuse to publish your comment!

Then it was the turn of Srini, the Laughing Gas. He must have rued the day he came to her blog because of what followed. When she visited his blog, she loved it. And you know what that means? A comment, of course! But what did she find? No comment field and only FB comments. So off she shoots him a mail demanding that he add it. And the poor mild mannered guy who won’t say boo to an ant obliges the BB and replies post haste, after doing the needful. Wasn’t she glad she shot off that mail though, for she made a wonderful friend that day. As for Srini, he credits it all to karma!

There is another thing that bugs the BB. Blogger offers the choice of commenting through your Google id, which requires BB to sign out of her own mail and sign in to Google before commenting.  The BB prefers the name/url option because it is easy and fast. So now, bloggers who don’t have this option get a mail from her: ‘Unable to comment!’ with the comment attached by email!

Rachna was the first one to be struck followed by others including Sandhya. While the former got it done in a jiffy being a whiz at the stuff, the latter had to get her son to do the needful, much like BB herself. This morning dear old Deepak (Magiceye) was the latest victim. He protested, ‘But I have not changed any setting!’ but not only fixed the problem but also copy pasted her comment! A friend can’t be sweeter than that, can he? Ashwini comments on BB’s blog sometimes but must have got the shock of her life to see a mail in her inbox a few days ago with the same request. She sweetly replied thanking BB for the comment sent by mail and for having put in the added fields for profiles.

Is commenting the only thing the BB wants to do? No sir. She would read a couple of posts from the archives of the blogs and if she liked them, would want to instantly subscribe – not in the Google Reader like a normal reader might do, but through email, if you please! And if she didn’t find that option, she would add it in her comment requesting the blogger to please create that option.

Rahul must have heartily wished he had not set his foot on BB’s blog because she couldn’t subscribe to his blog and sent him a series of mails. After finally getting the subscription going for her, he must have sighed in relief for having got the BB off his back! The same thing happened with Bhavana who made the mistake of straying into the blog on a guest post. BB went to her blog right away to find that she liked what she read there immensely, but could not subscribe. So off went an email early in the morning (BB is an early riser and strikes mostly in the mornings) to her. After a flurry of desperate mails back and forth, the poor girl finally subscribed herself for BB. Talk of willing victims!

When Suresh got a comment asking how BB could subscribe to his blog, he obligingly came to her blog to tell her where to find the button — and to be on the safer side — changed the template itself. Wise chap!

When Shruti has this wonderful blog where she combines lovely anecdotes with delectable recipes of the Maharashtrian kind. So she was zapped by an FB message. Pat came the reply, edged with panic, ‘How do I do it?’ The BB of course didn’t know, but knew how to turn ordinary mortals into computer experts. Soon Shruti sent a triumphant message that she had done it!  Psst…the next salvo from the BB is going to target the complicated Word Verification on her blog…

Panchali refuses to be bullied but told BB very sweetly, that she was happy if the BB read her posts whenever she had the time to browse! Now isn’t that a sweet friend?

Of late, BB has discovered a new forum to hunt for her victims – FB. She reads a link and marches to the blog and then finds one of the things missing (refer to above paras) and so contacts the blogger. Maitreyee and Soham are the latest victims of the BB.

Then there are the guest posts. Whenever BB asks a friend for one, the first reaction is one of panic. The objects chew their nails right down to their fingers and hem and haw. Ask Sudha. Only she was too polite to use the word bully and used nag instead, on the link on her blog to the guest post she eventually did. The last I heard, R’s Mom has gone into hiding and Arti is having panic attacks.

Adding people to your network on Indiblogger is an innocuous enough thing. People add you, you add them or ignore the request and that is that. But for the BB it doesn’t end at that. She goes to the person’s blog and demands to know why she has been added. Some of them reply and Sajal was one such. Now that is what I call interaction!

Not that everyone falls prey to the BB’s tactics. Some bloggers just ignore her and go on with their happy lives. Smart ones, those!

Do you think that BB manages to get her way because of the formidable profile she sports on the blog, wielding a weapon capable of delivering a resounding whack, or maybe they are afraid of being nagged endlessly and so want her off their back OR, maybe…just maybe…they do it because they really like her?

I think I should gently remind you of the consequences of disagreeing with the biggest Blog Bully. Well, that was just a very gentle reminder, no need to run away….

Note: The BB might have left out a lot of names who have been at the receiving end, so if anyone has a horror tale of bullying by the BB to relate, please feel free to share the experience. It will be duly linked to the post.

….and some more victims : Giribala is protesting about her exclusion on the subscription count and Anu is upset — to be bullied about the commenting and then being ignored is a little too much, isn’t it? And now for Ruchira, the only one to have been bullied personally over email subscriptions and the visibly upset Ashwathy, who with the long list of complaints against the BB had me scurrying to link her! And Amit joins the band of victims being the latest one….

Image on Homepage courtesy:


  1. Loved this take of yours



    1. Ha ha. You wouldn’t have loved it had you been a victim 😀


  2. hahahah…i like it…very swt post,,,initially i strtd rn thnkn dis blog bully i sumone i nd to beware of:p


    1. That had been the idea Alka, to intrigue the reader and make them look for the bully! And this bully can be both terrifying as well as irritating 😀


  3. What a clever post. And all those readers feeling left out because they weren’t BBed by the CN!


    1. When the price for getting bullies is being linked, it makes it more palatable, right? 😀


      1. I hope it is more than that. I hope it is appreciation for a good idea for a post.


        1. Uh oh, Khoty, the comment was not getting posted due to some glitch with WP and I left it thinking I will complete it and post it when WP acted better. But apparently it got posted! I was wondering at this new comment when I realised what happened.

          The whole comment was to be this:
          When the price for getting bullies is being linked, it makes it more palatable, right? 😀 But more than a story idea, it was my way of expressing remorse at having bullied so many nice bloggers. Honestly 🙂


  4. ha haa… that was such a sweet post. For quite sometime (first 2 paragraphs) I really thought that you are talking about some real bully and was hoping you would give some tips to watch out for the Bully. Little did I know that it was you! 😉 Who would not want to be bullied by you – that is, if at all, you call that “bullying”. Having you read the blog or comment is a privilege and it gives me immense happiness whenever I see that you have read something I wrote. 🙂 You are really wonderful. And this lovely little post really made my day, along with all the wonderful comments.

    P.S: I am also quite challenged and don’t know many of the features that are there (or not there) in my blog. So feel free to bug/bully me at any point in time. 😉


    1. Do you realise the danger of giving the BB a free hand at bullying? But frankly, your blog is quite BB freindly and doesn’t require any change 🙂 So you can relax. I am happy to have thrown many people off the track with the title 😀 I feel privileged to have so many wonderful friends in the blog world, Raj! I love all your posts 🙂


  5. ohdakuwaqa · · Reply

    Hahaha… I’m glad I removed the comment moderation/word verification/only registered users options in the commenting 😀
    I think I may have been a blogger bully about 5 years ago… now I’m the worst blogger in the world. ;p


    1. I am so glad that you removed them all. On blogger, the best option is the name/url one, to comment. It completes itself, I don’t need to log in to my google mail and what not! You mean you did all the things the BB does today, all those years ago? And I thought the BB was one of her kind 😦


  6. Zephyr – I loved this post and am scratching my head about what I can do to change the settings so you don’t have to tick that box!! I know if I remove it, I’ll have a lot of spam in….Thinking…thinking… ♥


    1. But your little box is no trouble at all, Corinne. I mentioned it simply to draw a comparison with Word Verification exercises, which really defeat me 🙂 And that box on your blog is as sweet as you, so don’t worry 😀


      1. I am truly relieved, Zephyr. Thank you. ♥


        1. And you sound REALLY relieved and therefore must have felt REALLY bullied 😀


          1. Haha…that was your idea, no? 😉


  7. For a dim witted person like me, it took some time to understand who is the BB. A very interesting post indeed.


    1. This is another of the BB’s tactics of bullying people to read her posts 😀


  8. Haha! 😀 Thank you for the inclusion! 🙂 And the conversation!


    1. You are welcome Sajal but I would suggest you wait a while before thanking the BB 😀


  9. Thanks for not including my name. That means I am brave? 😉

    Destination Infinity


    1. No, Rajesh. That means your blog is easy for the BB to navigate. But beware, for the comments will keep coming 🙂


  10. I declare we should have a Sahasranamam in your honor, all detailing the various ways you have managed to get us lesser mortals to better our blog interface. 😀 If not for you, we’d have rudimentary templates and sophisticated tools would be forever out of our reach. We owe you huge thanks, Zephyr.


    1. Psst…WP blogs are kinder to me, because they have a simple ‘follow’ button even if they don’t have an email subscription and the commenting is also easy since WP saves your profile (that has its own problems, remember? 😉 ) Sahasranamam? *rubbing hands in glee* I would have been happy even with an Ashtotram 😀


      1. Meera, we’ll begin with an ashtotram and move on to sahasranamam 😀


        1. So the next time I am in Mumbai, I vote we all meet at the “The Stolen Coffee Room” to decide on how the ashtotram goes. The invitation includes you, Zephyr since I am sure you will have helpful inputs, as always 😛


          1. That is a wonderful idea. But I do hope Sudha would have cajoled the management of the Stolen Coffee House to increase their menu options since I don’t fancy eating grilled sandwiches for all three meals 😀


  11. Ha, ha; you know what? I started reading with interest and seriousness to find a real blog bully, only to be pleasantly surprised that it talks about one of my warmest and yes persistent blogger friends. Good job. 🙂


    1. It is so lovely to see you here after so long Sharbori! Hey, you were also one of the early victims of the BB. Remember when I had made you restore this profile picture because I loooooooooove your smile? 😀


  12. When I started reading this post, I thought of something serious in Zephyr style. It sure has the Zephyr stamp, only I ended up laughing so much. 😀

    So now I am thinking whether I am glad or is it bad that BB hasn’t struck me 😉


    1. Ha ha! Zephyr has a very long funny bone, and the L&M pieces are testimony to that. The title of the post was a red herring and I am glad it worked 🙂 And who said you have completely escaped the BB? Didn’t she come calling on your blog and begin leaving comments? And who knows, she might strike in other ways too — soon? 😀


  13. You are persistent because you care. You always give your best in whatever you do – relationships, your blog, your book. I admit that I take my time in commenting but it’s not fear but love that keeps bringing me back to your blog.


    1. You know me Purba, don’t you? My blog is my place to make friends and make them find others through mine. I feel blessed that so many reciprocate and keep coming back to my blog. Thank you for being my friend 🙂


  14. inducares · · Reply

    My dear Zephyr,
    That was a lovely post exuding love,warmth & cheer.Now i am perplexed-you told me to do something on my blog & i did it,but there has been no reaction from you after that.Does it mean i did it perfectly or is it that i am hopeless?But you taking interest in any blog is certainly a good omen—–DESPITE THE BELAN!!
    Love you .


    1. Oh Indu, you are a very sweet friend. I told you that you needed to add something to it and I would write to you but couldn’t do it. I will certainly mail you ASAP. For me blogs are not just something to read and comment on, but an interaction with the person. And that is how I collect friends. Keep coming!


  15. Psst… I should blame myself for landing on this post. I read a bit and was glued to it. Knowing pretty well that this was a really lengthy post and it would take more time than I could devote during my office hours, I still read on. 🙂

    And THAT’s another sort of bully you are. You never let the reader go stray some place else but hold her under your words till she is mesmerized. AND after all risks of getting stared at by my seniors, I’m here ‘commenting’. What more(?)… now I want to stalk your blog. Why, oh, why are you such a bully?


    1. Ha ha, Vaishali, welcome here. I haven’t met you before, have I? I left a comment on one of your posts and found that an email subscription widget is missing. Hmph…

      It is nice to know that you took the enormous risk of not only reading, but also commenting on this lengthy post. Actually, I kept on remembering my victims one by one and went adding them and made the post longer than usual 😀 Don’t miss the ‘blog manager’s comment, btw. Come again — in the open, no stalking 😀


      1. Honestly, I had read three more articles but was not able to post comments on them… don’t know why. 13th Sept had me browsing through your blog all day, reading and Trying to comment too.

        Btw, I have done what you pointed out… only and only to show that I take pride in getting bullied by such a sweet bully as you. And, no, we hadn’t met before… always good to make new friends, isn’t it? 🙂


  16. Let me assure every reader about whatever she has said here about bullying other bloggers, it boils down to me because I need to ensure that those don’t happen on this blog. What’s the point of being a bully if her blog itself does not follow the sacred scroll of the Blog Bully.

    As far as being bullied is concerned, I am extremely sorry to take the crown away from all of you. But I win it hands down. And, I am mighty proud of the Big Bully! There are few of those left in the world. Loveable bullies that is!

    Your blog has come a long way in the last two and half years. You have given voice to the voiceless, brought guest bloggers on board who have gone on to become famous, written about society and culture in a logical and unbiased way. This blog and the content it holds, is good enough to be made into an encyclopedia.


    1. The BB owes her very existence in blogosphere to you dear Bullied Blog Manager Son! Oh I remember the time when Manju couldn’t post her comments and I kept bugging you to fix it thinking it was on my blog. and then the fonts being too faint and small, the various plugins….gosh, there are too many things I have bullied you about, haven’t I? And no, I am not linking you! But take a bow BBMS, Cybernag is supposed to be very easy on the eye and to navigate through. And I am happy you are proud of the BB, because she has the biggest requirement of them all coming right up in your mailbox. Stay tuned 😀 😀


  17. Ha ha ha.. 🙂 so nice of the BB 🙂
    I won’t say though I was bullied for an e-mail from her was kind of an honor!
    I did put her comment on my post ‘Vipassana’ immediately and assured her to do something to plug the issue very shortly. Wish I had a ‘Blog Manager’ son too 🙂 😀


    1. You are among the latest victims, Amit 🙂 As for the poor blog manager, do read what he has to lament about being one to this BB 😀 Thanks for posting my comment.


      1. I have done it, ma’am, and look forward to your kind presence on my posts!
        Thank you for bullying so sweetly 🙂


        1. Thank you so much Amit. I will definitely visit your blog, now that I have also subscribed 🙂


  18. He hee! Looks like you’ve been stalking Blog Bully :D.

    I have one very sweet memory of BB. I’d once written about the things I had to do as a mother, which often make me feel like a killjoy. BB came by that post and left a very reassuring comment.
    Now, every time I feel bad about operating the control button and begin to feel evil, I think of what she had to say — and I feel better. I know she speaks from experience and I am so thankful to her. 🙂


    1. You remember that comment? Wow! Actually when I go to the blogs of first time commenters, I pick up something that I can empathise with and leave a comment. That one was just that. Good to know you read my posts. I don’t see you here often, so was wondering if you still do 😀


  19. I feel left out 😦 What about the Blog Bully nagging me?? About the pic? About meeting up? About my story? About my unda eyes? No fair! 😥


    1. You poor undakanni! I will link you right away. I already said that I might not remember all the victims and that you should jog my memory, right? Now, smile, will you? 🙂


  20. I quite enjoyed the exploits of the Big Bully with a long arm that extends across the cyberspace.


    1. Long arm indeed! Glad you liked the post, Umashankar 🙂


  21. Are you a BB? Well, you have been very kind to me. You have even left appreciative comments on a few of my posts. 🙂
    I disagree or maybe my blog is BB friendly.


    1. Precisely! The BB makes friends by reading and commenting on posts that she likes — one at a time. Look at how many I have collected! and not all of them comment on my posts, so you can imagine the numbers. And yes, yours is a BB friendly blog, thank your stars, Amit 😀


  22. Zephyr, the BB has a competition when it comes to early morning attacks! Well the series of mails which I got were the ones which were the true interactions and a learning for me as well, having strayed into the blogger world! A very enjoyable post after a very hectic day:)


    1. You are very kind, Rahul to call that series of mails as being a learning experience 🙂 But haven’t you been bullied after that too? Comments disappearing and all? 😀


  23. OMG! I dint know I was the first victim of your bullying?? Though I am grinning big time right now but I guess this is not something to be sooo happy about 😛 Its true that I am scared of that weapon of yours 😉 but it is also true that I love you and your bullying a zillion times more! 🙂

    And rightly said about the panic attack, I am thinking of taking some inspiration from R’s Mom next 😀


    1. You were indeed, my dear Arti! And I remember the look of near terror on your face, when we met for the first time last year, remember? And what inspiration from R’s Mom?She has been successfully flushed out of her hiding place and has agreed to do the post 🙂 So don’t you dream of going into hiding, ok?


  24. Bikramjit Singh Mann · · Reply

    Mami – BB – Zephyr – Cyber nag .. 🙂 I will always like you whatever Avatar you come in..

    Thanks for the smiles, I should start doing some of the things mentioned to gain your attention.. he he he he .. Then I could also write that I feel so happy to be bullied 🙂

    regretfully I am not a victim , not sure if its a good thing, in my mind that sure is a BAD thing since this BB is always welcome 🙂


    1. That is such a touching declaration, Bikram! Thank you so much 🙂 But you already are getting bullied by mail, and as I said, WP blogs are relatively trouble-free for the BB to navigate through. Don’t worry, bullies always find something to bully others, so you will also be a victim one day soon 😀


  25. i like the Pati more.. and u have great memory.. now i am again falling in love with you.. 🙂


  26. Hahhaaa! For a change, I am feeling chuffed at being bullied! Or shall I say, nagged? 🙂


    1. But I love your blog, Shruti. You see I am partial to Maharashtrian food and would love to try out the simple recipes you give along with the juicy tidbits. And now for the Word verification thingy…….*runs away* 😀


  27. jaishvats · · Reply

    Oh God! This is such a sweet post Zephyr …ha ha…Loved it… 🙂


    1. Blog world is a real weird place, I tell you. Where else would bullying be considered sweet? 😀


      1. Weird…that it definitely is Zephyr 🙂 You just happen to be a sweet bully 😀 You know what, all this while I have been spelling weird as ‘wierd’ and after seeing this comment I looked up in google and it tells me wierd is Used by people that cannot correctly spell the word “weird.”
        Hmm…So lesson learnt for today and thanks for that 🙂


        1. Does Google specify it like that? I mean does it say, ‘used by people who can’t spell the word weird?’ 😀 English spellings can be confounding can’t they? I have problems with receive. My autocorrect entries run into hundreds! Thanks for making me feel loved 🙂


  28. hey BB.. i had to reread to understand who BB is.. great post.. nice way of building up friends indeed.. 🙂


    1. Hey, I thought I was Zephyr Pati? What happened? You liked the BB better? 😀


  29. I am happy to note that I am there! My son was laughing when I told him about this post of yours! Now, I know why you have sooo many followers!


  30. I am laughing still, BB…is it double B or B squared? Everybody loves you, including me, Zephyr!


    1. B squared? Now that is a thought 😀 My followers have no choice, they are bludgeoned and bullied into letting me in 😀


  31. Thick head that I am, I actually started thinking who could be the BB being described here at length .Then ROFL happened.I When I first saw your comment on one of my posts I showed it proudly to everyone that mattered .This BB is endearing and much talked about in blogcircles .
    Waiting for the day I actually meet you…rehearsals have begun 😀


    1. I feel honoured to be treated with such love and respect, Sharmila. Makes me often wonder if I am worthy of it all 🙂 What rehearsals? You mean like dress rehearsals? I am excited to meet you all too!


      1. Rehearsals in my head .the kind one does before a much awaited meeting 🙂


        1. Hope it is not going to be an anti-climax! And FYI, I don’t carry my belan around 🙂


  32. What a sweet post BB 😛 . A really wonderful way to highlight your favourite bloggers in a post. Am sure all of them must feel so special today having been mentioned in your blog 🙂


    1. I hope they are not having shivering fits remembering the occasions when they were bullied. I thought that the least I could do was to acknowledge the fact that these were brave souls who stood up to the BB 😀


  33. Hahahahahahahahaha!!! What a post, my colleague is looking at me askance as to what is making this guy have an ear to ear grin on his face early morning in office…

    And to think that the post comes immediately after a guest post by someone who last blogged in 2006 (er… me, that is :D)

    Should I say I too have been bullied by the BB? Nyah… she’s too sweet… who can consider her nagging as bullying?

    Brilliant post, as usual… brightened up my morning for sure!


    1. But I have already bullied you enough about reviving the blog, remember? Why, I even mentioned it in my intro on your guest post 🙂 So, when are you??

      Glad to know you started your day with laughter 🙂


  34. Haha! I have been a ‘victim’ too! Every time the email mentioned something about the blog, I would hurriedly get it sorted before replying to the mail (happened recently when you asked me to change the theme on my blog) .. But I am not the one complaining 😉


    1. Don’t I know about that? When the reply was delayed, I would guess that you were putting your blog in order. And thank God, you changed the template. After all, Suresh had done it on his own without waiting for another bout of bullying 😀


  35. When I met the BB for the very first time at the Indibloggers meet, I was told very imperiously by her that she would read my blog only if it had a email widget on it – The poor novice blogger that I was, I quaked with fear and went home and promptly added the widget 😛
    So Glad I am nagged by BB though 😛


    1. You must be the only one to have been personally bullied then by the BB 😀 You know what? I love the name of your blog, and can almost hear water gurgling down the slopes when I see it in my mailbox. Is it too much to bully you about, then? 😛


  36. But BB is adorable. And guess what we share initials too. SO from this BB to that BB, lots of love and hugs 😀


    1. Oh, yes, don’t we share the initials, now? And hugs right back BB 🙂


  37. Awww this is such a sweet post! 🙂
    Couldn’t make out till the end who the BB was. 😀 What a build-up!


    1. Oh, and I thought I had given the secret away in the second para itself 🙂 Glad you liked it.


  38. oh God! I love love love you…so much you have no clue…big tight hugs to you okie

    now that you made it public, I better start thinking of a guest post soon 🙂


    1. Thank you RM. Tell you what, I thought nagging got me friends, but bullying seems to have got me more friends 😀 And yes, that guest post…


  39. Blue Lotus · · Reply

    Giggle Giggle…Hilarious!!But the BB is really adorable.Ain’t she? With her thoughtful comments and emails she is a friend one can always count on…Love you chithi..


    1. Aww, you are welcome Blue Lotus. I love being on blogs I like too, so the pleasure is also mine. Mail bullying is reserved for the ‘chosen few’, of course 😀


  40. blogwatig · · Reply

    I am not here…………..*Fuming* …………….*Smoke erupts…err from everywhere*………………..why oh why….this emotional atyachar?


    1. Er…calm down Vinita. Itna gussa sehat ke liye achcha nahin. As I told The Fool, I will find another way to link all those who have not been bullied yet. The BB would find something else to link them all. 🙂


  41. LOL, you have coined an interesting name..BB. So far no such luck of meeting with BB.Since most successful bloggers have encountered BB why am I being ignored by BB? Or I am too naive to recognize one. 😦


    1. But BB needs to only descend on blogs that need ‘customization’. Yours is already customized! Tell me, haven’t you EVER been bullied by the BB? It seems highly unlikely 🙂


  42. Happy are those , who gets the bully-ed by BB! I am not one of them :-(((


    1. That is not true, Pattu, BB will do another post to include all those left out, ok? WP bloggers are relatively safe except when they forget to put in the email subscription widget 🙂


    1. LOL! If the BB puts her mind to it, she will strike wherever you are hiding 🙂


  43. AGREEE!!! Blog bully bullies me even now and I have more tales to tell. She bullied me this morning–first, I have to reply in large font and second, I have to read this post. Thankfully, this is a post I can vent my pain. So here it goes: this BB was not too happy when I had not read her posts for a while and so she called and told me to read it on the phone in the train while I was traveling–unwilling to accept “travel” as a valid excuse. Whats more, sometimes BB decides she does not want to comment on your blog but will instead send you a long letter. You are ruined if you do not respond soon enough! She is a bully alright and what she bullies is your heart and woe the day she stops bullying you–the pain of abandonment is worser than her bullying! Love you soooo much, my BB!!!!


    1. Oh yes, I agree to this Bhavana…:p the font thing…so, now I can email in a bigger font only from my laptop..:)


      1. Oh yes, I was also asked to increase the font size of my email :).


        1. Again, not allowed. That is a request delivered with a belan 😀


      2. The font thins is not about bullying, but what the heck? Once a bully always a bully, even when a request is being made 😀


    2. Not fair! This post is about blog bullying, not mail bullying at all. But I can see how much bullying you have endured 😀 *rubbing hands in glee* Now, that’s what I would call the most satisfying session of bullying 🙂 Abandonment? Don’t you dare! 😛


      1. hahaha….How dare we live in the cyberworld without taking your bullying? 😀 Just kidding….so, when can we expect a post about mail bullying? 😛


        1. I think I have indeed opened a can of worms, er…bullies who have started bullying even the mighty BB! 😀


  44. Blog Bully, oh yes, this one I love. And she made me shiver in my pants when I had to do the Guest Post for her blog. Much more scary than any professional writing that I have done :). I love such blog bullies. Recently Corinne reminded me in her sweet, gentle manner that sharing links were missing from my post and also if I could move the email subscription widget a bit higher. I love you guys with your belans, brooms and wit :). What would I do without some good-natured nagging from you, not to forget all the times that I shoot off mails and nag you. So, we are even. Loved the post, expected something serious and here I was rolling in laughter.


    1. And, you have opened a can of worms here. You will be inundated with requests or threats of linkbacks. Looks like this one post will be a linkback delight ;-). This will be the first time that you will continue to keep changing your post with every comment :). I have already noted a few changes from what I read in the morning. And, I have the memory of a hathi ;-)!


      1. My dear girl with the memory of a hathi: I do change my other posts, mostly to make corrections and edit, but this one had to be done, since I had told the victims to come forward and own up. As I said earlier in another reply, that is the least I can do for those who have undergone a torrid time at the BB’s hands. I am having fun seeing bloggers getting upset for not being bullied 😀 😀


        1. hehe Bullying mein bhi pyaar chupa hai. That is why there is a cyber queue outside the doors of your blog. Look at the love and affection you have from all of us, pretty enviable :). Hugs!


          1. Sach mein! I am overwhelmed by all the love of my cyber friends 🙂


  45. lol! Have just tweeted your post to forewarn innocent readers before they are struck by the Blog Bully!


    1. Why, this very morning she struck at some unsuspecting bloggers and is hoping they would ‘customize’ their blogs for her convenience, but it is a kind thought. Thanks for the RT, Deepak 🙂


  46. I was wondering what it was all about . I had not heard of Blog Bully before and I was seriosly thinking how I’d missed out on something. I completely loved the way you built up the entire intoduction part, giving it such a wonderful start :-). I was more than happy to respond to your email coz there are not many people who would have the patience to mail the Blogger and give them suggestions. It just goes on to show the bond you create with others and the genuine interest you show in reading their Blogs. I’m very happy that you showed that interest in my blog too 🙂 Honoured 🙂


    1. Hey, I love discovering new blogs and make friends that way. I might not comment on every post, but if I like a blog, I read the posts and of course insist on leaving a comment 🙂 Maan na maan, main tera mehmaan! Since I am not a social media person, I prefer mailing and commenting to keep in touch.


  47. I am glad that I gave no reason for the BB to nag me about. LOL.


    1. Now, I wouldn’t be so sure on that score, Farida. But all the best 😀


  48. Goodness me….No one can beat you, Cyber! Loved the way you built it up. My brain didn’t blink first… Was trying to locate BB. Had to google her out u know…. LOL!!! ..

    Crisp and enticing the reader, as always!! Awesome post~


    1. You googled BB out? Well that made my day 😀 Glad you enjoyed the post.


  49. thinking of changing your name??? and btw, where is mine????

    lovely post!!!


    1. I am sorry I forgot yours, though it was pretty recent, but have added your name 😀


      1. this is one bullying we all have been enjoying!!! how could i not protest my name not being included??? 😀


        1. Hey, you are already in 😀


  50. Oh BM, you scared me with the first few lines. I was like, what?? you are …’YOU’…:) Loved till the end. Who wouldn’t want a reader like you to their blog? Even if it’s nagging or bullying? Trying to recollect if I was bullied. Not really. But, I had problems getting your notifications and you sweetly asked me if I could subscribe again and I did. I had couple of bullies too.. Deb, Saru and Bhavana couldn’t find the links on my blog and finally I think I fixed them..:) Anyway, be it nagging or bullying, you are the best and the most adorable!! Love you!!


    1. You mean to say there are other bullies besides the BB? Hmph….

      You know after you told me about your problem with the subscription, I had bullied the younger one to fix the problem 😀 Good to know you love being bullied too. You are allowed to take it back….. 🙂


  51. Ha ha! Very entertaining!

    Giving yourself a promotion from Cyber Nag to Blog Bully? 😀


    1. You could call it that, but as I told Sudha, it could be the beginning of an Ashtotram 😀


  52. Ha ha…nice! 🙂


    1. Glad you liked the Bully’s confession 🙂


  53. OMG…..I was also once a victim!!! I had to explain the position of the email subscription widget…..I am so very scared of the BB…………. :O 😀 😛 :O


    1. I have linked you Giri! The least the BB can do to her victims 😀


  54. Surprising though it may be to you, your last speculation (about being liked) is true for me. (Not to mention the fact that I was so excited by the prospect that someone actually wanted to receive my posts by email that I would have done headstands had that become necessary 🙂 )


    1. So that explains the complete change of template on your blog! I had been nonplussed when I first came there to find just some posts, without anything to indicate that it was even a blog 😀 And thanks for liking the BB Sniff…


  55. Well, looks like my name got missed. Should I become the BB now so I get my moment of fame at the esteemed cybernag space? 🙂


    1. Of course you will get a mention, but first tell me how the BB got you 😀


  56. Is this an announcement of an impending change in name from Cyber Nag or Zephyr to Blog Bully? 😛


    1. No, not chaning my name. But what is the harm in adding another one? Haven’t you heard of Ashtotrams and Sahasranamams? I have a long way to go in that direction!


  57. “want her off their back OR, maybe…just maybe…they do it because they really like her?”

    Is this a question that need even be asked? Isn’t the answer obvious? 🙂 Of course, we love you, Zephyr. This post is really funny. I had no idea that there were other ‘victims’! 🙂

    Seriously, the way we met is truly an awesome cosmic coincidence, and I am thankful for that!


    1. You know, it sometimes feels good to hear what the victims feel about the predator 🙂 And there are many more victims — two of whom have already protested about being left out. I have duly linked them both, Anu and Giribala. I am waiting for more, of course, since my memory is not as good as it used to be. 🙂


  58. Ha Ha. Nice one. Real interesting way to pay tribute to your favorite bloggers.


    1. No, Karthik. It is not exhaustive by any stretch of imagination. I have mentioned only those who needed to ‘customize’ their blogs for the BB. There are so many, yours included, which are my favourites. I will find some way to link you all 🙂


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