My first year of nagging!

I have already confessed to being forgetful of dates. Actually I don’t really forget them. I remember them till, say a month, a fortnight or even a day before the actual date and then when the day dawns, it cleanly slips my mind. Poof! Like that! So though I kept telling myself that I started blogging last February, by the end of Jan, I completely forgot that this was THE month of the first anniversary of Cyber Nag. To cut a long story short, the Cyber Nag was unleashed upon an unsuspecting cyber world on Feb 13, last year.

I had been unable to write for several years for reasons beyond my control. But during one visit home, the younger one simply would not take a no for an answer and set up a blog for me. I was worried. What will I write? Who will read the posts? I had no ‘friends’ on the social networks.

He was unfazed and told me, ‘You concentrate on creating good content. Readers will come.’ He assumed the role of my advisor/blog manager.

Then came the question of a name for my blog. Zephyr has been my notional name for a long time. I wanted to call my blog ‘Zephyr’ but it was not available. So I had to scout around for another one. I had earned the sobriquet of a nag over the years and wanted to capitalize on it. What better way to perpetuate the name than to call my blog after it? So The Cyber Nag was born! Since I didn’t want to give up Zephyr, I assumed it as my pseudonym. I got a WordPress gravatar for my profile – a one-eyed creature with crooked glasses. I wasn’t comfortable with a photograph; (I still am not).

After the initial euphoria I panicked. How could I churn out stuff week after week?

‘What will I write? I only know how to nag and crib,’ I wailed.

‘Then do just that. And write your L&M series. It will be a hit,’ he said sagely.

The subject himself overheard us. ‘What? Write about me?’

He looked suspiciously at me and became a jumpy thereafter. But only till the first L&M post was published. And the L&M was launched officially!

The ‘blog manager’ was right. It became a hit over the months. I get the maximum hits for those posts. But more than that, I go by the word of the L&M himself, of course after posting them. ‘Good’ meant it was a hit. ‘Theek hai’ meant the hits would be moderate; ‘mazaa nahin aaya,’ meant that it fell flat. I am glad to say that none has fallen so far in the last category! What a sport the L&M and the Brats are! They not only love the pieces but remind me of incidents that can turn into another post, never mind if it is at their expense.

I was very excited when the first comments came and would keep calling the younger one up at all hours of the day to share my excitement. I started visiting Indivine to read and get used to other blogs and bloggers by commenting on their blogs. It was then that I discovered Purba, and her acerbic pen and fell in love with her blog. Fortunately for me she loved my blog too and today if I don’t find her comment on any post of mine, I feel bereft! Magiceye elicited my comments involuntarily – his shots remind me of the Mumbai I loved and still do. Nalini’s Haikus were refreshing and so were so many other blogs. I just read the posts that I fancied and commented on many blogs.

Then my own blog was approved on Indiblogger and I had arrived! My posts got ‘promoted’ by the bloggers. Curiously I would find a lot of ‘promotions’ whenever there was a contest on Indiblogger. But this has been a forum I have grown to feel comfortable with. I have found many wonderful blogs and some great blogger friends here. For someone without a social network identity, Indiblogger has provided me one.

In the meantime, the WordPress gravatar began grating on my nerves. I wanted a new image! So I kept experimenting with different ones on my own. And then one fine day I found this formidable woman with a rolling pin looking at me with a stern countenance. The ‘manager’ of my blog had given me a new face!

And so now, my comments on other blogs carry my signature rolling pin image. Cyber Nag looks formidable, sometimes even sounds formidable. Ask Renie, he would tell you how, when he reads my mails, he feels as if I am wagging a finger at him!!

The incongruity hits me often – a Zephyr who is a Cyber Nag!! But somehow, the image has stuck and so has the name. Come to think of it, it is not that absurd because I am a mixture of both soft and stern or so I would like to believe.


  1. Congrats!! great to hear about the beginning of your cyber journey…. may you have a long long life on cyberland and regale us with more and more such interesting anecdotes!


    1. Thanks Anu. Happy to oblige. I have to catch up with my favourite blogs too, once I get back home and my routine 🙂


  2. Keep Nagging Ma’m. Look forward to having you back. Am already missing your next post.


    1. I got back to the computer today since I didn’t have internet access due to my travelling. Will nag the hell out of you all. Have no worry 😀


      1. I hope you had a funtime travelling! Do also check out my latest post. 🙂


        1. already did and posted comments too. 🙂


  3. Congrats to you and your blog manager. Keep nagging. Its endearing.


    1. Thanks Alka. I am happy to hear that my ‘nagging’ can be endearing too 😀


  4. I am late but your blog remain where it should be , in my heart.
    Congratulations on completing a year almost along with your another Favorite Purba!


    1. That was a very sweet comment, SRA. Do keep visiting and giving me your comments. I value them a lot.


  5. I joined the party late, but am glad i did. All the best Zephyr. Look forward to celebrating the next one with double fervor.


    1. I am glad you joined party, so what if late? As I am not able to spend a lot of time at the computer due to my travelling, I am not commenting on your posts, but will make up, once I am back. Hope you won’t mind… 🙂


  6. Congratulations! You know what, till I read in Vinni’s post, I had assumed Nag to be Cobra 😛 and I related Cyber Nag to be a cobra striking the cyber world heeehee

    Anyways, I enjoy your nagging and bring it more 🙂 we are never going to be fed up of your nagging!!!!


    1. You are not the only one. Come to think of it, no one would enjoy being called a Nag as much as this one does 😀 And thanks for the incentive (not that I need any special incentive to nag 🙂 )


  7. Congrats Z…love love ur blog…do seem my comment at Vinni’s blog :D…am glad he got u to start blogging

    p.s. i love love ur gravatar!


    1. Thanks Nut! I have seen your comment on his blog too 🙂 You do? I will remember not to change it when I grow tired of the glowering face 😀


  8. Congrats!!. 🙂 🙂


    1. Thanks 😀


  9. Happy Anniversary to your blog and where is my share of cake?


    1. Oh, I didd’t have that kind of celebration. But I will keep your share when I do, Promise 🙂


  10. Happy Anniversary or rather Naggaversary 🙂


    1. Thanks Snow Leopard. HAppy to oblige 😀


  11. Congrats Zephyr for the blogoversary!!

    I really didn’t know ur blog would be just one year old, i thought u had been writing for a long time 🙂

    U make us think and really like the stuff that u write! Keep Blogging!




    1. Thanks Restless. You are right. I yhave been writing for a long time, but blogging only for a year now. Glad you like the stuff I write. Keep visiting and do read ‘The ode to the Cyber NAg’ at (my son’s blog) 🙂


  12. Congratulations on your 1st blog-anniversary! May there be many more!


    1. Amen to that Manju 🙂


  13. Congrats Zephyr! Hope you keep writing…


    1. Fingers crossed A-Kay 🙂


  14. Read Vineeth’s post and I must congratulate him for getting you back to writing. Congrats to you too 🙂 and thank you very much for keeping us all, the younger lot, motivated with your words!


    1. You are welcome Vee. The blog helps me connect with the younger lot and keeps me ‘young’, though I love being my age too 🙂

      You have a pretty good blog, talking about things that affect the country and country people at large. I like such blogs which stop short of being activist and strident. 🙂


  15. What a coincidence, you complete a year, I complete 200 posts.
    I love ur style of writing and though I many not comment, I do read each one of ur posts and some days when I need something to enliven me up, I go thru ur archives.
    Congrats and my bext wishes for the coming year


    1. Congrats on your double century Bhagya. It is nice to know that my posts help to lighten your mood. I can understand about commenting. We normally comment spontaneously when the post strikes a chord in us or echoes our sentiments. Thanks for your best wishes.


      1. my commenting is more at the mercy if my l&M and the brat who both regulate my time spent on straining myself 😉


        1. 😀 Take care of yourself. Good for you that they look out for you.


  16. Happy anniversary! Many more will add to your fan list.


    1. Thank you Arpana. Honestly never expected to have so many fans and readers who would be willing objects of my nagging 😀


  17. Whoa!!
    many Many happy returns of the day 🙂
    Keep Nagging..we all love reading it..Cheers 🙂


    1. 😀 😀 Hope you read the younger one’s post too! Glad to oblige, I mean, I would love to nag!


  18. Wow…..I didn’t know you are all recent entrants to blogging…and I thought you have all been around for a while. Congratulations on completing one year, Mamma Nag..;) I love most of your posts and can hear Amma’s voice in the background as I read your words…I guess I have told you that umpteen times already…Time to raise a toast…


    1. Thanks for the toast, Deepthy. Though all mothers are nags, I am a super nag, as the younger one would say. I not only nag the boys but all of you out there, don’t I ? 😀

      Time does fly. I can’t believe I have been blogging for a whole year and still managing to churn out stuff, thanks to all of you who encourage me by reading what I nag about.


  19. Wow ! A year old already ?? Congrats.
    Love your blogs. Keep ’em coming….


    1. Happy to oblige, Chits. Keep reading 😀


  20. a year and a good one at that. a toast shall i say? cheers.
    am sure we will read more of your incredible humorous posts over the coming years 🙂


    1. Another toast? I am going to be tipsy at this rate 😀 But what the hell. An anniversary doesn’t come every day, does it? I do hope to be able to meet all your expectations. Thanks for staying with the blog.


  21. Congrats Zephr! Your year and the story was awesome! My maa writes too, your story has inspired me to push my maa into blogging too!
    Hey you are a day younger to The Brainwave! 😀


    1. Good, get her a blog pronto. Writing is one of the best things to give one a positive feeling. And oh, I didn’t know you are just a year old too. Happy anniversary to you too. Seems like February 2010 was a year when ‘great bloggers’ were born 😀


  22. Congratulations zephyr! Look forward to more reading fun from u. All the best for the second year 🙂


    1. Hey thakns Abha. Hope to be able to keep up the good work aka nagging 😀


  23. Am surprised this is your first year. Writing reality like real is something spontaneous in your writings. Among the many Indibloggers I follow, the pink spectacled pic always stands out reminding me of the fun I’ve had over your posts. Good wishes for the years to come too!!


    1. 😀 So the Cyber Nag doesn’t intimidate you with her rolling pin? 🙂 Glad to know you enjoy my posts. I usually avoid a heavy tone while writing because it doesn’t go well with my style of writing. Thanks for the good wishes, Nandini.


  24. Cheers on the first anniv and many more to come!!


    1. Amen to that Sunshine Girl 🙂


  25. Congratulations Zephyr – for a blog that’s just a year old, it’s pretty darn good! Keep blogging! 🙂


    1. Wow! Renie on my blog! That’s an honour. Thank you for the compliment. And coming from someone who gets nagged even in mails, that is something 😀


  26. congrats Mami!


    1. Thanks Saumya. Keep visiting 🙂


  27. Congratulations!
    There’s a lot about the post I can relate to. Wish you luck for the years to come. 🙂


    1. Welcome here Deboshree. Would love to read about your experiences too and thanks for the wishes.


  28. There’s so much of a first timers refreshing enthusiasm in your post..could so relate to what you meant by excitement @ the first’s wishing you a very successful blogging innings 🙂


    1. It is the response from so many people out in blogosphere that has given me the courage to continue for a year and look forward to more. will visit your blog soon. Thank you for the good wishes. 🙂


  29. Congratulations ZM 🙂
    Happy blogging!!!


    1. Thanks Siddharth. And when is Pratibha getting her blog?


      1. Congrats1
        I cant believe that ur blog has completed ONLY one yr.
        I dont know when will I start!
        Surely, it will take me 10 yrs to reach there.


        1. Don’t worry Pratibha. You can learn from all the things I did wrong and reach there in half the time. We will celebrate the 6th month anniversary then for your blog. Get Siddharth to get cracking at the creation of the blog. 🙂


          1. Pratibha · ·

            Thanks. your inspiration has has helped me to persuade Siddharth to get my blog started. I have named it “Kachha Lemon”.
            If you like it, appreciate your encouragement. If I falter, you still cant throw me out. Remember I am ‘Kachha Lemon’.


          2. You are hardly kachha, Pratibha. Congrats on the new blog. what is the url? Can you send me the link? Can’t wait to read your posts 🙂


  30. Congrats…We welcome all the nags…Keep blogging…


    1. Thanks blue Lotus. Happy to oblige. Come back for more nagging 🙂


  31. Hearty Congratulations on your blogversary!!

    Heres wishing you many more so you can keep cyber nagging!!



    1. Thanks Magiceye. It is thanks to Indiblogger that I discovered your various blogs, each one a gem. And yes, I have every intention of continuing to nag the hell out of all of you this year too 🙂


  32. Congrats! Keep nagging 🙂


    1. You bet, I will 😀


  33. Congrats ma! Happy Blogging!


    1. All thanks to you!


  34. tweedlethumb · · Reply

    I find myself in a similar situation actually. I am only a week old in this space and ‘ I was worried. What will I write? Who will read the posts? I had no ‘friends’ on the social networks.’ fits in perfectly well !

    By the way, WHAT is L&M ? 😐


    1. Sailing in the same boat? Well, in the one year past, I have made many friends and have readers who like my posts. So will you find your own groove and niche. All the best for the success of your blog.

      L&M is not a ‘what’ but a ‘who’. Do read the posts. They might strike a chord in you too, as they have in so many others’. 😀


  35. You shine bright with your throbbing with emotion write-ups. They always make us react. You have made us laugh, sigh, grit our teeth in anger and forced us to ponder over issues we may have ignored.

    Love you Vineet for giving us Cyber Nag and yes she shines the brightest in her L&M and the brats posts. Atta girl, you rock!

    P.S Even I complete a year next week :))


    1. Wish you a great blogging anniversary, Purba 🙂 You have really made a mark for yourself in the blogosphere. Waiting for a compilation of your blogposts a la the Great Bong’s book.
      And thanks for all the great compliments you have showered on the Nag. Psst…never expected that nagging would bring me so many friends. 😀

      The L&M is indeed my mascot on the blog and in real life too. Where would Cyber Nag be without the trio? 😛


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