The Indimeet I almost missed

Today the house is eerily quiet; the little one left last evening. I turned in very early to escape the emptiness and silence. And today morning after making a desultory tour of the house I am back at the computer to reconnect with the other world and write about the Delhi blogger meet.

Oh, I miss her tugging at my arm to sit on my lap and demanding to see ‘Diya pictures.’ She loves looking at herself in the millions of her photos stored in our computers. It is not just looking – she remembers the events associated with them. ‘Diya had lots of fun at the aquarium,’ ‘Pati was not there,’ on the trip they took to Cornwall, and so on. I am amazed at how her little mind retains so much memory and how it actually works!

Yeah, I know I am writing this nearly a fortninght later and it is not strictly a round-up of the blogger meet, but so what?  I was mad at Indiblogger for the bad timing because the meet coincided with the visit of the little one and Vinni got the worst of my nagging on this score. For, while writing is a passion for me and blogging a pastime, the little one is my life, and who will choose passion over life, pray?

Fortunately for me, non bloggers were being allowed this time due to the social cause the meet espoused — Blanket of Relief, an NGO dedicated to protect the homeless of Delhi from the biting cold of the winter was a partner to this meet.  This allowed me to tag her along to save even that little time to be with her. The L&M came too. I decided to go a little late but in the bargain missed all the usual Indi stuff at the meet and almost missed Purba!

The delay, to begin with: it was a miscalculation of the time it takes for the drive. What takes half-an-hour at the max, took us over one hour that day thanks to the Congress session and zillions of sycophants choking the roads. The younger one called up frantically asking where we were and what was keeping us so late. We finally ended up reaching the venue only for the khana-pina session. Since I had missed the introductions and since some bloggers were already leaving or left, I could only meet a few who have become friends through cyberspace — Purba, Tikuli, Himanshu Shekhar  and a few others whose blogs I visit – Abha, RituIHM, Addy and Prerna. I missed connecting with some others whose blogs I read and comment on due to my late entry.

During the chai-pani, I tried asking people their names and their blog names and found it a hard task. There were knots of people talking, but not much circulating to get acquainted with each other. This was somehow disappointing.

Ah, Purba! Give one for nagging – it never fails to work. I had been at the younger one about Purba not having registered for the Indimeet  and viola! He sent her a mail saying that that the nag was coming and so please come too and save his life. And she did! I was touched. We just got to say hello to each other when she said she was about to leave. I couldn’t blame her since she had left her dessert party preparations half-way and come. And having waited for so long for me to turn up she was just leaving. I gave her a hug. Only, had I known she wanted a tight one, I would have hugged the daylights out of her!. Folks, she was all that her profile picture showed her to be — bubbly, chirpy and a happy little thing, who brings a burst of sunshine with her smile.

And there was Tikuli. She had come to my blog through the younger one’s and stayed on to become a friend. Though we have talked over the phone, mailed and commented on each other’s blogs, meeting in person for the first time was very pleasant. She calls me Akka and she definitely is younger sis material — she is so tiny and looks so young!

Both Purba and Tikuli wanted to meet my L&M and I dutifully introduced him. He fairly glowed in his celebrity status. By the way, he loves my L&M posts and jogs my memory about things I have forgotten to mention in them!

For those of you, who were wondering about my glowering face and rolling pin in my profile picture, well….here goes the introduction I missed at the Indimeet  — Zephyr is what I aspire to be, but fortunately or unfortunately, Cybernag is what I am. So I have assumed both the names and you have one incongruous combination: a gentle breeze with a frown and a rolling pin in hand! Also, I don’t need the rolling pin at all. Ask Renie, He’ll vouch for the fact that when I write, my imaginary finger keeps wagging at the reader!

The older one used to call me Cybermom, when he was in hostel  but he never would have dreamt that I would take it literally and begin nagging the world at large!

So folks, please keep visiting my blog to get nagged and share a laugh with me.


  1. Kavita · · Reply

    Finished my backlog of reading all the blogs that i had missed 🙂


    1. Hey Kavita welcome here. Glad you could catch up with all the posts. Hope you enjoyed them. Do you have a blog?


      1. kavita · · Reply

        I like all that u write…….right from the short stories you wrote when i was a kid to the blogs that u write now !!! i dont have a blog not comfortable writing prefer to read and think 🙂


        1. Thank you Kavita. That makes me preen with pride!


  2. Good to know about the meet. However i could’nt be there becoz i was busy in my exams. Maybe i shall be attending such meets in future.


    1. Welcome here Manas. Do visit again.


  3. Ah! I missed this review. Interesting.


    1. If you like this book you could read the rest of her books too. They are all good.


  4. After reading Purba’s account about the blogger’s meet I felt terrible about missing out on it but now I feel awful, what an opportunity lost to meet-up with the stars…

    Next time I am defi going to be there 🙂


    1. Hey welcome here Delhizen! I love your smile. It is lighting up my blog 🙂

      Actually the bloggers didn’t circulate and got to know each other. I introduced myself to some, but couldn’t do so with everyone as I went so late 😦 Wouldn’t have missed you with your dazzling smile though. Don’t miss it next time!


      1. 🙂 🙂 🙂 thankyew! you shall always find me with one cheek to cheek!


  5. Its funny how we connect through writings, with people we have never met before, and not even really talked..but words whether or not directed at one person, are a powerful medium that connects all. Would have loved to meet you and the L&M and Diya at the meet..Perhaps another day!


    1. We do, don’t we? It is like having a whole lot of pen friends and when we meet them, it has the same effect. Never mind if you couldn’t meet us all at the Indimeet, you can always visit us at home,when you come to India. 🙂


  6. Yet again a lovely account about the blogger meet- but acted as thriller as most of us discovered you.I cannot deny that your write ups i always prefer to read in relaxed manner as i enjoy them most.


    1. That was lovely compliment Arpana. Thanks a ton 🙂 Keep visiting!


  7. Lovely description!


    1. Thanks Renu and welcome here!


  8. Good that you could and did make it to the Indimeet ! What fun to meet up with many of your blogger friends in one go ! Like Abha mentioned, the “veil was off” for you all ! So happy and thrilled for ya ! You are one in a million Zephyr and the tribe who believe so, is increasing obviously ! And would continue in that vein down the years ! Amen !

    I know how precious Diya is to ya and I have this sneaky feeling it’s equally reciprocated by the little angel ! Bless you both !

    Looking forward to you upcoming blogs, they have a warming effect…..
    Keep ’em coming….


    1. Thank you chits for your good wishes for my blog. As for the veil being off, most of the bloggers have their real profile pictures adorning their blogs, but for some like me it was really ‘veil off.’ 😀 Oh yes, Diya love s both of us and the other set of grandparents too. She already understands meetings and separations and can handle them pretty well, much to my admiration. Catch up with you soon!


  9. Zephyr,

    Good to hear all of you had fun…sniff sniff I missed meeting you all..Having a pampering (rolling-pin-carrying) pati is the best thing..


  10. Hi zephyr I accidently discovered you are Vineet’s Mum when Tikuli mentioned her desire to meet you. Prior to that i didn’t have a clue about you as you are not on Facebook too. But i am so glad i could meet you in person and remove the veil!though i couldn’t interact with you much, it was still gr8 to meet you along with some of the other bloggers.

    Will surely be in touch through your posts. and look forward to the next meet. Cheers!

    P.S. It was so sweet and sporting of you to recognize me even though i couldn’t do the same at first 🙂


    1. Hey Abha! there is no way you could have recognised me from my cartoon profile! Not that I am not a cartoon in real life 😀

      Yeah, Vinni was the one who introduced Tikuli to my blog and is my official tweeter and facebook promoter. I tend to spend far too much time in front of the computer as it is and it is bad for my one working eye 😦 That’s why I am not on any social networks.


  11. Ha…ha…you said it all in the last para. Keep blogging.


    1. And you keep visiting 🙂


  12. would love to meet all of you wonderful people!

    “For, while writing is a passion for me and blogging a pastime, the little one is my life, and who will choose passion over life, pray?” – Classic line 🙂


    1. I am trying to make up for the absence of Diya by trawling cyberspace, but what pathetic substitute!

      I think Indiblogger should organise a jumbo indi-indiameet so that we can all meet and connect. They could have the Jawaharlal Stdium or one of the CWG stadia for a venue. At least that would be putting them good use, wouldn’t it?


  13. It must have been great- meeting with fellow bloggers. Some of the names you have mentioned in this post are new to me, I’ll be visiting their blogs soon!

    I have met Mumbai blogger friends twice and both times it was a wonderful experience. I am amazed at how we can immediately connect with friends we have known only through their written words!


    1. You bet, Manju. We expand our contacts only through such meets, don’t we? It is almost like meeting pen friends in person, isn’t it? 🙂


  14. wish i was there too!!


    1. You should have come. But then there was hardly any time even for the local bloggers to plan to attend. Next time!


  15. hahahaha… good one amma..

    so the little girl has left eh? now i can have u for myself… so much to fill u in… 😀 i launched my photog. website and so many other things.. 😀


    1. Hey Ratzz, never knew you to be so possessive 😀 Feels good btw to be missed. The house is very very empty and silent 😦 What photo website? I thought you had only changed jobs. Mail me quick, girl.


  16. {HUGS} Akka It was a dream come true. Thanks to vineet and Renie who persuaded me to open up and meet those lovely friends Who took time out to read me and wrote beautifully in their own space. People I see as part of my family.

    Meeting you was my one point program .:D Oh , the feeling to hug someone you respect and love so much. Priceless. ❤

    I would love to spend some time with L&M and happily chat to him. missed that. It was wonderful to meet Divya ( precious, charming girl) and the little wonder Diya. muaaaaah.

    Missed taking a picture I want to call " new family pic) I know you won't mind me saying that.

    Now the younger one :p Vineet . I always knew him to be a warm, caring human being.meeting him proved me right.
    will come back to say more .
    love you


    1. Hugs to you too Tiku. Though we get to know many people and meet them too, we can’t connect with everyone. That is only possible due to some twist of fate. I certainly don’t mind being included as part of your new family 🙂 And it is Vidya (though the letters are the same) and not Divya. You are most welcome to drop by anytime for a chat with the L&M 🙂


      1. Thanks Akka .. am about the name mess up.. I was too euphoric that day :p
        Do drop in anytime you are in south Delhi. It would be wonderful to spend time together. Hope you got my mail and picture.


  17. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by 0 Brain 10 Brainwave and Vineet Rajan. Vineet Rajan said: The Indimeet I almost missed […]


  18. You know what Purba? When a child gets hurt, it might not cry, but when someone asks it, ‘What happened baby?’ it begins howling. So it was with your comment. I am now howling and it is cathartic, I guess. Thank you. I am so glad I could meet you too.


  19. The sentimental fool I am, I couldn’t stop my tears. Excuse my sounding like a teen – but you are the bestest Pati your Diya can have.

    I loved reading your account, the soft tone and am glad that I met you Zephyr.

    And my favourite line….For, while writing is a passion for me and blogging a pastime, the little one is my life, and who will choose passion over life, pray?


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